воскресенье, 1 ноября 2009 г.


Малый бизнес может столкнуться с a new credit squeeze пока одна программа помощи заканчивается, а другая не началась.
Прежняя, где Small Business Administration не брала вознаграждения за гарантии и расширяла сами гарантии до 90% кредита, истекает. На смену Обама предлагает, своего рода bailout для малого бизнеса. Но пока есть разрыв между началом реализации новой и окончанием старой программы. Когда она закончится размеры гарантий упадут до 75%, что явно не будет стимулирвать кредитование :) SBA предлагает ее продлить, чтобы поддержать бизнес, иначе:

Bob Polito, director of government-guaranteed lending at Webster Bank in Waterbury, Conn., a smaller SBA lender, agrees. "Although bank volume was down in SBA lending, can you imagine how much worse it could have been without the stimulus?"

Обама собирается раздавать деньги в обход банков :)

The new bill should help to address this concern by ultimately allowing the SBA to step in as the "lender of last resort" should small firms still be unable to receive credit from banks.

Между тем дефолты по кредитам растут:

Defaults by small and medium-sized U.S. businesses on the loans, leases and lines of credit they use to finance capital equipment investment rose in September as lenders remained reluctant to extend fresh financing, PayNet Inc reported on Friday.

Число коротких просрочек снизилось, в то время как длинных (более 180 дней) увеличилось.

Accounts in moderate delinquency, or those behind by 30 days or more, fell to 4.22 in September from 4.35 percent in August, according to PayNet, which provides risk-management tools to the commercial lending industry. That is the lowest level since January.

Accounts 90 days or more behind in payment, or in severe delinquency, also improved modestly, slipping to 1.40 percent in September from 1.48 percent in August.

But accounts behind 180 days or more, or in default, rose to 0.85 percent in September from 0.81 percent in August. PayNet's Small Business Lending Index, which measures the overall volume of financing, fell 22 percent year-over-year in September, a sign that lenders remain reluctant to extend credit to small and medium-sized businesses.

"It's hard to imagine a robust recovery when you see numbers like this," said Bill Phelan, president and founder of Skokie, Illinois-based PayNet.

Любопытный факт:
Of the roughly 3.5 million new jobs created over the course of 2005-2006, more than 70 percent (2.5 million) were generated by small businesses.

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