четверг, 5 ноября 2009 г.

Капитализм 2.0?

Производительность растет, а что остается делать тем кто хочет сохранить работу. Только работать лучше. Вот и пахают как рабы. Нет, никакого 2.0, а старый добрый 19 век. Что бы все же как-то поддержать тех кого уволили и кому пока не нашлось места в новом экономическом порядке правительство спешно продвигает социальные и прочие льготы.

Senators voted 98-0 on Wednesday evening to approve a bill that would extend jobless benefits in all states for 14 weeks, and for up to 20 weeks in states where the unemployment rate exceeds 8.5%.

The bill also extends and expands a tax credit for home buyers. An $8,000 credit for first-time home buyers now set to expire this month is extended through April 30 under the bill.

At the same time, the bill allows people who have lived in a home for at least five years to claim a $6,500 credit if they purchase a new home.

А параллельно с этим все ЦБ мира заявляют, что экономический рост и сворачивание програм количественного смягчения не означает роста ставок. И вообще в среднесрочной перспективе с абсолютной уверенностью можно говорить только о росте ... fiscal imbalances.

Bank of Japan board members said they needed to assure investors that interest rates would stay low even after they end emergency programs to facilitate corporate funding, minutes show.

“It was most important that the bank clearly explain its basic policy stance of steadily implementing measures to maintain the accommodative financial environment,” many members said, according to the minutes of their Oct. 13-14 meeting released in Tokyo today.

Federal Reserve officials signaled a return to economic growth alone won’t warrant higher interest rates, saying an increase will instead depend on when the labor market and inflation pick up.

The Fed’s rate-setting Open Market Committee yesterday restated its pledge to keep rates "exceptionally low" for an "extended period." The panel added for the first time that its commitment depends on “low rates of resource utilization, subdued inflation trends and stable inflation expectations."

Looking ahead, and taking into account the improved conditions in financial markets, not all our liquidity measures will be needed to the same extent as in the past. Accordingly, the Governing Council will make sure that the extraordinary liquidity measures taken are phased out in a timely and gradual fashion and that the liquidity provided is absorbed in order to counter effectively any threat to price stability over the medium to longer term.

Для завершения:

Store revenue in the 16-nation euro region dropped 3.6 percent from a year earlier after falling a revised 2.3 percent in August, the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today. Economists had predicted a drop of 2.4 percent, according to the median of 14 forecasts in a Bloomberg survey. From the prior month, September sales fell 0.7 percent, the biggest drop since October 2008.

"In Europe, you shouldn’t bet on consumption to help the recovery of the economy," said Martin van Vliet, an economist at ING Groep NV in Amsterdam. "Although European unemployment hasn’t increased much compared to the U.S., the fear of what’s ahead is hurting retail sales."

Народ боится, а после участия г. Меркель в аферах аля Опель будет бояться еще больше. Ставка сбережений может перевалить за 20%. Что впрочем неплохо для финансирования госдолга :) только вот интересно куда собираются продавать свой рост промышленники и сектор услуг, ладно немного осталось до рождества...

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